dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2009

English poems

Please myself
Shall praise good news and sing melodies./Bye wars and blood./ The sea is calm tonight,/ welcome new hymns,/ true anthems of gaiety./ Not flying on the air,/ not building the moon on earth,/ walking in beauty like a cloudless night,/ kissing new ways of living/ in starry climates./ Hopes that my heart does need,/ all dark shadows it denies./ A mind at peace/ whose eyes shine,/ bright of heaven and earth,/ waves of water, purified./ Believe in new ways of acting,/ behaviours that change oneself./ Neighbours learn/ the ways of becoming friends./ Know what to do in the future,/ fed up with a bad today,/ rid of whatever dirtiness,/ clean as the water of well./ Hope I can please myself.

When the night falls upon town,/ Light flies unstoppable,/ and stands above, in hill’s eyes./ Peace reigns in the park/ And birds sing in dreams/ With tender words and kissed./
Quiet is a cloudless night./ The stars do move and shine,/ While everyone sleeps tenderly,/ Apart from me, the strangest one.
I’m awake and see/ The yellowy moon watching life go by./ There’s no way of avoiding/ A rare feeling at night.

Where you see that path of flowers,/ In a moment of deep shyness,/ The world vanishes fast./ There 's no more to fulfil,/ The quiet of the moment reigns./
Later, we go nowhere./ Borders you find wherever/ You want to cross./ And a well, waterless-/ emptiness everywhere./
Shadows in a world of lights,/ Cruelty mixed with tenderness./ Flying above our heads. /I don’t know what happens/When beauty becomes ugliness.

Participació al Joc literari de Tens un racó dalt del món


S'escampen arreu remors amb immesurables cadències llunyanes,
remors que apropen músiques sublims d'antany,
Pedrell - amic - mestre de sons d'una vila que el flumen banya
arrossegant ressons d'uns temps pretèrits sense luxúria,
espill de vesprades acaronades per un braser
que engendra conversa ufana en mesos de tardor.
El caliu del riu ens desperta de l'ensopiment perenne.

I és llavors que sento com vola el temps per les alçades!
Reviu en mi l'estel del sud que m'embriaga amb lletres de casa.

I és llavors quan enarborem senyeres en moviment constant,
superem rancúnies ancorades darrera persianes inhòspites,
i cridem visques a la vida i a la gent!

Pas a pas, en el nostre caminar sense espera anguniosa
fem una mirada a l'esdevenidor que ens repta tostemps.
Totes les barreres desapareixen en un instant de joia compartida,
han quedat ensucrades per l'alè d'éssers sempre contents.

Tendre so de l'aigua en remembrança complaent.
Ens enlairem arreu amb pas inert que desperta sensacions nodrides
com un anhel infinit d'una terra que sap on va.